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Does Acupuncture Improve Fertility?

Does Acupuncture Improve Fertility?

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote balance. It has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of conditions, including infertility. Infertility affects 1 in...

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Does a High BMI Affect Fertility?

Does a High BMI Affect Fertility?

"I have a high BMI and my fertility doc is telling me I need to lose weight. Am I being fat shamed, or is there actual evidence that this could affect my chances of getting pregnant?” I’m hearing this more and more. People are being turned away (or delayed) from...

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How Do I Use Temperatures to Track Ovulation?

How Do I Use Temperatures to Track Ovulation?

There are a few different ways you can naturally track your cycles and find out when you might be ovulating. These methods help you track down: When you’re most fertile (cervical mucus) When you’re about to ovulate (LH urine test strips) When you’ve likely just...

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What is AMH and Why Is it Important?

What is AMH and Why Is it Important?

You have likely heard of AMH — and maybe have even had your levels tested. But what is it exactly, and what does it have to do with your fertility? In this article, Dr. Sarah Zadek, ND, breaks it down. AMH Origin Story To understand AMH, it helps to understand where...

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Can Golfing Impact Male Factor Fertility?

Can Golfing Impact Male Factor Fertility?

As we gear up for golf season, there are some unforeseen health hazards that this may have for the men out there. As it turns out, sperm is highly sensitive to environmental changes. This includes changes in temperature and exposure to environmental chemicals,...

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My Endometriosis Journey 

My Endometriosis Journey 

Many people assume that endometriosis (endo) means infertility; that if you have endometriosis, it automatically means you’ll struggle to get pregnant. The truth is that endo comes with a lot of challenges for reproduction, but you can still have a healthy pregnancy —...

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Does Being Overweight Affect Sperm Quality?

Does Being Overweight Affect Sperm Quality?

When couples are attempting to conceive, it’s often the person who will carry the pregnancy who feels the pressure and responsibility to be healthy and fertile. This is often because the womb provides the energy, sustenance, blood supply, and nutrition for the growing...

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How to Know if You Have Endometriosis

How to Know if You Have Endometriosis

Endometriosis may be an underlying cause in up to 50% of “unexplained infertility” cases. (1) So how do I know if I have endometriosis? Research shows we can lean towards a “yes” if you answer these 2 questions: Do you have pain with periods? (cramping pain in the...

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Why Didn’t My Embryos Make it to Day 5?

Why Didn’t My Embryos Make it to Day 5?

Undergoing fertility treatment can be stressful — especially when you hear your embryos didn’t “make it to day 5.” But what does that mean, and why did it happen? And is there anything you can do to prevent it or improve your odds? Dr. Yash, ND at Conceive Health,...

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Does Alcohol Affect Fertility?

Does Alcohol Affect Fertility?

Alcohol is a contentious topic in the world of infertility. Why? Because most of us really enjoy a glass of wine at the end of a tough day, and infertility is tough! We are also living in a wine culture, whereby drinking is glorified.  But alcohol and fertility aren’t...

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How Bicycling Impacts Sperm Quality

How Bicycling Impacts Sperm Quality

We know that what we do and what we eat affects our overall health — and that means it also impacts the quality of our sperm and eggs. When we think of healthy living, we almost always think of exercise. Exercise is an important part of our lives that can help us...

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Healing After Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss

Healing After Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss

Having a miscarriage can be devastating, especially if your journey to get to that point has been particularly long or difficult. It’s important to give yourself time to grieve, but also a chance for the body to heal before trying to conceive again. This means healing...

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How Genetics Can Impact Your Fertility

How Genetics Can Impact Your Fertility

We’re starting to see more DNA testing kits hit the market. Each one tests a unique set of genes and is able to present ways in which your personal health can be affected by the variants of those genes. All too often I hear patients say “I want to know if I have the...

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How Hormone Imbalances Affect Your Fertility

How Hormone Imbalances Affect Your Fertility

Many women understand that feeling of something being off. Some of us may ignore the signs, thinking that our painful periods are normal, or there’s nothing to be done about cyclical acne. But both of these and more are signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance....

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Can You Get Enough Vitamin D From the Sun?

Can You Get Enough Vitamin D From the Sun?

Vitamin D, our “sunshine” vitamin is so much more than a nutrient. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone with receptors located in almost every tissue in the body. Although many of us associate vitamin D with bone health or preventing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), this...

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Natural Cycle Monitoring at Home 

Natural Cycle Monitoring at Home 

Cycle monitoring is a process that follows the development of the ovarian follicles. This can be used to determine the health of a menstrual cycle and as a tool in preconception and fertility care. During the COVID-19 pandemic when we may not have access to...

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Improving Fertility with Acupuncture

Improving Fertility with Acupuncture

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture is known for its therapeutic effects in fertility, and it is widely used as an adjunctive therapy during Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) — ranging from preconception to fertility treatment support....

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Not all PCOS cases are the same. A significant number of women I see in my office fit a description of something called "Lean PCOS.” In fact between 20-50% of women who fall into the PCOS category are normal weight or considered “thin” (Nestler 1997). These women have...

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What are Fertility Superfoods? 

What are Fertility Superfoods? 

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates Food is the foundation of a healthy body and healthy reproduction. There is a ton of information out there – it’s hard to know what to eat or where to start – especially when it comes to...

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Super Smoothie Recipe (Good Fats + Protein!)

Super Smoothie Recipe (Good Fats + Protein!)

There are so many reasons to get on the smoothie-train! They are versatile, nutritious, portable, fast to make, and so delicious (they can taste like drinking a dessert). Protein smoothies are great for mornings, post-workout, or when you just need a snack and know...

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Miscarriage: Searching for Answers

Miscarriage: Searching for Answers

Any woman/couple who has experienced miscarriage knows how devastating they can be. When recurrent miscarriages are experienced, it can leave women feeling very helpless about their fertility, and lead to fear and anxiety during subsequent pregnancy. Although in many...

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Fertility Can Be Trying

Fertility Can Be Trying

Who knew that trying to get pregnant could be so difficult? Approximately 1 in 5 couples in Canada will have trouble conceiving, and evidence is showing that conventional fertility treatments are not very effective. In fact, in a study published in the New England...

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The Scoop on Sperm Health

The Scoop on Sperm Health

After reading various articles speculating on the decline of male fertility in the past 50 years, it is certainly cause for concern. It has been documented that sperm counts are declining worldwide, at a moderate but steady pace. A French study found that between 1989...

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Top 5 Herbs and Supplements for PCOS

Top 5 Herbs and Supplements for PCOS

Diet, exercise and lifestyle modification are the cornerstones of treatment for PCOS, showing successes above and beyond any form of medication(s) available. Research continuously shows improvement in all of the major characteristics of PCOS when diet, exercise and...

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One IVF Cycle? Make it Count!

One IVF Cycle? Make it Count!

It's exciting times for couples in Ontario who are having trouble conceiving. The announcement a couple years ago of one funded cycle of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) for all couples who need it puts the expensive treatment into the hands of many who may not have had...

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