Fertility & IVF Acupuncture Across Ontario
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that dates back 3,000 years. It uses fine needles inserted in various points along the body. The acupuncture needles are placed on meridians relating to organs in the body to tap into energy centers, ‘Qi”. Acupuncture has been shown time and again, through research and within our clinics, to benefit multiple stages of the fertility journey. Best of all, it can be started at any stage, including:
Preconception Period
Natural or medicated cycles
IUI or IVF treatment support
Conceive Health’s fertility acupuncture treatments are designed to increase your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant and improving your IUI or IVF treatment outcomes.
How IUI or IVF Acupuncture Helps Our Patients
Fertility acupuncture (also known as IUI or IVF acupuncture) improves the overall environment where the eggs are developing — the ovarian environment. It can also support hormone balancing and play a key role in stress reduction. In fact, the World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for over 40 common disorders — many which play a key role in IVF and IUI treatment (including stress and gynaecological disorders).
At Conceive Health, we incorporate guided meditation into every acupuncture session to support the intended outcomes. When it comes to fertility, timing is truly everything. That’s why we take great care to customize your treatments to align with your menstrual cycle or fertility care. Since we work hand in hand with your medical team, your sessions are also an opportunity for you to learn more about your fertility treatment plan.
Many of our patients feel that focusing on fertility acupuncture at Conceive Health helps them to feel like an active participant in treatment, and more relaxed during the process.
Benefits of Fertility Acupuncture
If you are undergoing IVF treatment, you want to improve your odds of success — and preconception care, together with pre and post IUI or IVF acupuncture can help. The many benefits of fertility acupuncture include:
Regulate your cycle
Balance Hormones (FSH, prolactin, cortisol)
Promote ovulation
Benefits underlying conditions (PCOS, endometriosis, PMS)
Thicken uterine lining
Reduce ectopic pregnancies
Support implantation
Improve response to fertility medication
Immune balance
Improve stress response
Help the male factor – motility, testosterone
Lower miscarriage rate
Assist with the two week wait
FAQs for Fertility Acupuncture
Below you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about acupuncture for fertility support.
When do I start?
We usually recommend starting the cycle before you undergo an IUI or IVF treatment. However, there’s no bad time to start and there’s always something you can do, regardless of where you in your fertility journey.
How often do I come in?
If you are not in cycle, it’s generally once a week. If you in IUI or IVF treatment or medicated and/or monitored cycle, then we recommend receiving treatments twice per week.
How many treatments do I need?
- It is unique to each patient. In general, we recommend 3-4 sessions from day 1 of your cycle until ovulation or the procedure. Then we recommend fertility acupuncture both pre and post-transfer if doing IVF treatment (or a single time on your IUI day) and one time on implantation day (7 days post ovulation or 2-5 days post transfer).
Does it hurt?
- No, not at all.
Will my medical physician approve?
- Medical physicians agree that there is no harm caused by acupuncture. If you are working with a reproductive endocrinologist at TRIO Fertility, then they strongly support the incorporating acupuncture into your fertility treatment plan.
Will I have acupuncture on my transfer day?
At Conceive Health, we believe that it’s important to have acupuncture on transfer day, providing that you are doing it on-site (ie. at TRIO Fertility or a satellite location) and it doesn’t create extra stress. We recommend avoiding multiple visits to different locations if you are conducting your transfer at an office external to Conceive Health. All that said, if you are only going to do acupuncture one time, then it’s best to reserve it for transfer day, as it increases blood flow, minimizes contractions and improves pregnancy success rates.
Is it covered by extended health insurance?
- Yes, based on the practitioner conducting the acupuncture treatment. At Conceive Health, this may be a naturopath or a registered acupuncturist. You may have coverage for both, so it’s best to check with your individual health insurance provider. At Conceive Health, we believe that it’s important to have acupuncture on transfer day, providing that you are doing it on-site (ie. at TRIO Fertility or a satellite location) and it doesn’t create extra stress. We recommend avoiding multiple visits to different locations if you are conducting your transfer at an office external to Conceive Health. All that said, if you are only going to do acupuncture one time, then it’s best to reserve it for transfer day, as it increases blood flow, minimizes contractions and improves pregnancy success rates.
Is fertility acupuncture safe?
Yes, it is safe during your fertility treatment, early pregnancy and throughout pregnancy. It’s important to select a practitioner who is trained and experienced specifically with preconception and perinatal acupuncture.
How do I find the right acupuncturist?
If you find an acupuncturist on your own, make sure he/she has experience in working with IVF treatments, and alongside IVF centres. For example, there are points that we use and don’t use surrounding fertility and during early pregnancy. In Canada, Naturopathic Doctors are licensed to perform acupuncture. The doctors at Conceive Health are pleased to offer this service to our fertility patients in the downtown Toronto area, either at our clinic or at the fertility center where your embryo transfer will take place. Contact us for more information.
What People Are Saying …
“I highly recommend Conceive Health clinic if you are looking for the best naturopath dr in Toronto. Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald is very knowledgeable when it comes to fertility. She spends a lot of time with her patients coming up with the best treatment plan to help you conceive. She will even support you throughout and after your pregnancy. Fertility treatments can be very stressful but with the right support and plan from Dr Fitzgerald your dreams of conceiving can come true !!!”
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